Youth Sunday Small Groups

Every Sunday at 9:45 am. We will be using the “When Christians Get It Wrong” curriculum to begin the year, followed by the “Fathom” series.

Safe, masked areas will be designated for Sunday Small Groups. We are exploring hybrid options for those who feel unsafe coming to the church building – please let us know if this option interests you at [email protected].

Please register here.

Youth Happenings


Each Tuesday the youth meet online at 6:00pm to game for an hour, hang out, and catch up. We have played games like Among Us, Codenames, and Jackbox. We are working through Discord, which is a secure and private server that allows us to meet up, game with our own private group, and even chat with one another between sessions.

To join us, please create a Discord account. The website to register for free is Once you have registered, please send your user name to Rev. Joanna Dietz at [email protected] She will invite you into the group.

We look forward to gaming with you soon. Don’t forget to invite your friends to join us!


Confirmation classes are conducted each year for 6th grade students and above.  For more information on the next session, email [email protected]